Not Now, Not Ever Again

Pam Lazos
12 min readMay 15, 2022

It may be a (white) man’s world, but it won’t be forever.

Every year when I get my mammogram I have the same thought: if a pale, stale, male had to subject his body to this level of intense squishing and extreme uncomfortableness in their most private parts, wouldn’t they have developed a better system by now? While ultrasounds are comparable and less painful than mammograms, operator experience is important since you can miss something on an ultrasound if you’re not paying close attention, so mammograms are still the preferred method, but the reality as pale, male and stale see it is, if women aren’t protesting the current medical techniques, why do them any favors?

But I don’t want to talk about mammograms, I want to talk about the legal right to an abortion. There’s no question that legalizing abortion is a polarizing issue, but the conservative movement’s roots were grown in the soils of segregation, not abortion. It wasn’t until six years after Roe v. Wade was handed down in 1973, that the evangelical right in the form of Jerry Falwell placed women’s reproductive rights in their sights as way to motivate their base.



Pam Lazos

environmental lawyer, writer of the eco-thriller, Oil and Water, and Six Sisters, a collection of novellas, water ninja, striving to live sustainably.